Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Proper Irrigation Watering Times

Ok I've given you the statistics about how many of us (myself included) over-water our lawns....one thing to help you out a little bit is...shaded areas need less water because they have a slower evaporation rate of water than a real sunny area. So when setting your irrigation watering times, think about that! Or be super certain, and get a new smart controller that does that for you!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Irrigation Repair in Mcdonough

Experience counts with irrigation repair but knowledge I'd as important. When you choose an irrigation company to service your sprinkler system in McDonough-make sure they have the experience & knowledge

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rainy days really get me down....

particularly, as you all know, when someone's spinkler system is running. My son told me he saw it yesterday. Next time there's water restrictions maybe we'll all think more about it. A rain sensor is very inexpensive and makes sure that doesn't happen.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Plan with your irrigation system before "planting"

As many people begin planning their landscape projects for the fall - its is important if you have an existing system to review your plans with your irrigation company in atlanta. Don't have an existing system? Get quotes for a new irrigation system before planning begins. It pays to plan before you plant!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Outdoor Lighting

Tis the season...as we get ready to wrap up our busiest irrigation time of year and outdoor lighting picks up as people look for more security beauty since the landscapes are that beautiful in the winter time. There are lighting solutions for even the smallest of budgets.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Irrigation Low Pressure

Do you have an irrigation system with low pressure?

Nozzles can go a long way to helping to make better a low pressure irrigation system. Sometimes low pressure is caused by development and sometimes it's a faulty irrigation design. Rotator nozzles are a great water efficient fix in an existing irrigation situation with low pressure. Even rotary nozzles can be changed to lower the amount of water coming out of them to help as well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Outdoor Lighting

This is our busy time of year of outdoor lighting requests which will not only enhance your homes features and beauty but provide additional security. If you are a DIY, you should know there is a HUGE different in the products available to you and products available from a contractor starting with the warranties. Warranties on most products are from 10 years to Lifetime. The most efficient outdoor light are LED which come with a lifetime warranty. It doesn't get much better than that. Also check out my special on our website for outdoor lighting.

Friday, August 20, 2010

3 most important irrigation system components-irrigation repair atlanta

Ok, well what I'm about to tell you are the 2 state required elements of an irrigation system and the one that is highly recommended to help you later.
The state requires backflow prevention and a rain sensor - at a minimum - tomorrow on irrigationatlanta.blogspot.com, I'll tell you the differences between the types of backflow prevention devices that are the most commonly used.
The last item is a separate shut off valve...meaning a valve that will shut your irrigation system off in the event of a leak or something of that nature. I feel bad when I can get my staff out to a call where there is no shut off and water is leaking. The only other alternative is the shut off the meter that feeds the house too.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What do you do when your irrigation system has a leak?

Well the obvious answer to this question is to turn it off. Did you know just turning off your controller (clock) won't stop the water from flowing at the leak location? A separate shut off valve for your irrigation system should have been installed which would allow you to turn off the flow of water to the system. This shut off is separate from your house water shutoff. Worse case? You can shut off the house water if you don't have an irrigation shut off but it's obviously a pain to do so. If you're one of those people with a separate shut off and your system is leaking, when you have your irrigation system repaired, inquiry about installation of a shut off valve. It's a small price to pay in case there are leaks in the future.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Landscape Lighting/Outdoor Lighting

So you've decided that not only for some additional security but to enhance your homes beautiful features to look into landscape lighting. There are many options available today including those at your local do-it-yourself store. The big difference is the durability and warranty between contractor grade lighting and do-it-yourself lighting. Some of our outdoor lighting products have a lifetime warranty, 15 year warranties, 10 year warranties. Most of your do-it-yourself lighting products have a much, much shorter warranty. Money saving LED's lighting is also available for outdoor lighting with a lifetime warranty! Need more information check out our website

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Irrigation System

Planning for your fall landscape project? Don't forget about your new irrigation system as Fall is no doubt the best time of year to install a new irrigation system. Whether you have a formal landscape plan, just something in your head, or scratched out on notebook paper, proper planning of your new irrigation system will increase the longevity of new irrigation system. Best time to install your new irrigation system during your project...Plan Ahead..Install Just Before Final Planting of any Grass or plants.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Irrigation Systems....Rain Sensors

On my way back from the airport on Saturday while it had been and was raining south of Atlanta, I passed a large chain of convenience/gas stores who sprinkler system was running despite the substantial rainfall that had already happened and it was current raining. What a waste of water! The way to resolve this problem is simple and inexpensive - it's a rain sensor!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Irrigation System Audits

What is an irrigation system audit? And what should it include?

On a residential irrigation system, a complete irrigation system audit should provide confirmation of not only proper coverage but also preciptation rates, head location and type, nozzle types and alignment.

Be sure to ask your irigation auditor to give you a written report and any available comparisons that will show you how recommended improvements will increase the efficiency of your irrigation system.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wet Spots/Dry Spots - Irrigation System

Overly wet? Overly dry spots? Due to plant growth or possibly improper improper design, you may need more than just adjustments to some of your sprinkler heads to resolve these types of problems. Possible solutions are new heads, nozzles and moving sprinkler heads.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Irrigation System Atlanta

I took a little break from my blog the last few days and during that time I noticed what has become my new pet peeve...why do people, even irrigation professionals, find it necessary to run irrigation at 2 in the afternoon when it's 98 degress outside? Based on what I know, I think you have more evaporation of water that root watering. It's like spraying plant leaves with a squirt bottle and thinking you've watered the plant. The best time to water is either early morning or late evening.......

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Irrigation System Pumps

An irrigation pump is a great water to save on water and use what nature gives us. If you are thinking about a irrigation pump system, either a new one or coverting over to one, be sure that your irrigation company understands the hydraulics of how pump systems work and what facts must be considered when designing or coverting a system over to an irrigation system pump.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Irrigation System Repairs Atlanta: Are you over watering?

Most homeowners do overwater by 80-90% with their irrigation systems. Proper watering time is essential so ask your irrigation company about length of times for watering. As an irrigation professional, we should be able to help you significantly reduce the amount of over watering.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Irrigation Systems: Water Facts

Did you know irrigation water makes up the largest percentage of the water we use on earth? Second, is power. Other public use is only 13%. So you can easily see why it is so important that your irrigation company in Atlanta take watering efficiently seriously.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Irrigation Repair Atlanta

When water is your business and your making irrigation repairs, we must remember what a precious resource water is and work to protect it by using water efficient irrigation products as often as possible. Management of our water resources is one of our first priority with our business.