Thursday, September 30, 2010

Irrigation Systems

Irrigation Systems' products are ever-evolving and there have been made dramatic changes in the last 4-5 years. The primary focus with irrigation products have become efficiency and longevity. With certain manufacturers the longevity has always been a top priority although they may not have the most efficient products. With others it's all about watering effienctly. So when you are considering a new irrigation system, be sure your irrigation company shows you all the options available for your new system so you can chose which one is right for you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Irrigation Companies and Irrigation Systems

Whether you're look for a new irrigation system or looking to repair or update an old one, the irrigation company that you choose is cruicially important. Cheaper is not always better and you may pay for it in the long run with just a higher water bill. I feel bad when customers called like yesterday, an older lady in south Atlanta phoned, she said "I had my new irrigation system put in about 4 months ago because I just couldn't water my garden any more but it's not working. I called the man who put it in and they won't call me. Can you help me?" We did. So when your considering that new irrigation system or irrigation repair, select wisely and make sure the company will back their work, for how long and check out their customer service record too. Look for companies that are members of the Irrigation Association, GGIA or have a true manufacturer affiliation too.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Automatic Irrigation Controllers

Some people have automatic irrigation controllers but yet continue to manually run their irrigation systems. I will never question your reasonining in doing so but you might need a rain sensor or inexpensive ET system that could eliminate you having to do so much work when you have that automatic irrigation system.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Irrigation Repair & Maintenance

I cannot stress to you how much you should maintain your irrigation system just like your car. Maintenance will increase the longevity of your system and keep it working at its' most efficient. Typically a irrigation maintenance agreement is what will best serve you and this is definitely the time of year to look into that.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Irrigation Atlanta

Did you know that winterizing your irrigation system could increase it's longevity. Since we have those most unpredictable winters here in Georgia and you never know what your going to get we encourage everyone to winterize their irrigation system. Guess what? We didn't winterize ours last year because we were in the middle of the Kia project and did you guess? Yes, we paid for it this year and had an issue for the first time this year on our 9 year old system.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do you really care about how much irrigation water you use?

If you don't, you should. On the news last night they showed that even with the rain we've had this year and the floods from last September we are already experiencing drought conditions. We should pay attention to our outdoor watering habits. If everyone followed some simple rules, we would save a lot of water. First, water early morning or late evening never during the middle of the day. Secondly, be sure you have a rain sensor to prevent your system from running during rain. Is there a lot of water on your side walk or street? Adjust your sprinkler heads to avoid run-off. Simple steps can make huge impacts on our outdoor water usage.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Irrigation Repair & Maintenance

You've heard me say before you should take care of your irrigation system just like you do a car so you get more life out of it. The best way to do that is the participate in an irrigation maintenance agreement where you get inspections, reduce costs on repairs and winterization as well as spring start-up. For more information email

Friday, September 17, 2010

Rain Sensor: Wireless or Wired

Everything seems wireless these days including rain sensors for your irrigation system. I think it is totally a personal preference whether you chose a wired rain sensor or wireless rain sensor as long as you chose a rain sensor! In some locations, upon installation, the wired rain sensor's wires are barely visible and that are less expensive.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm Back: Difference between Irrigation Rain Sensor & Rain-Freeze Sensor

The State of Georgia has required rain sensors on all new irrigation systems for several years and some counties, like Forsyth, are taking it a step further by checking to make sure you get one with a new irrigation system.
A rain sensor keeps your system from running when it is raining or it senses moisture in it's sensor. Another great feature that can be combined with your rain sensor is a freeze shut off which that your irrigation system doesn't try to irrigate when it's below a certain temperature as well.
If you winterize your irrigation system, a rain sensor is perfect. If you are one of those who take chances with your irrigation system and Atlanta winter weather, you need a Rain-Freeze sensor.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Irrigation Systems Sprinkler Heads

Hunter makes an I-20 rotor that will enable you to turn it off while still running the rest of the sprinkler heads on that zone/station. Very cool, particularly if you make frequent changes to your landscape or need less water somewhere to prepare for planting (so it's not muddy)....Rainbird also makes a rotor that is similar but it is not standard with the shut-off so you will have to hadd it on as option on the 5000 series Rainbird rotors.
We used the I-20 (plastic version) at the Kia plant just so they would have that flexability later and would avoid a lot of maintenance costs.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Alternatives to county water connected irrigation systems

Did you know there are several alternatives to watering your landscape with the counties water? Alternatives such as rain capture systems and natural water systems (creeks, lakes, rivers) are the best alternatives to help you save money on watering your lawn with an irrigation system. Interested in learning more? Just give me a call 770-461-1776.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Commercial Irrigation Systems

Two-wire irrigation systems are becoming more common lately. Originally they started in Europe somewhere, they have become the best choice for commercial irrigation systems limiting the amount of wire in the ground and thereby limiting opportunities for problems. It's a great way to do a commercial irrigation system and definitely requires some expertise...if your considering a commercial project definitely consider a two-wire system and ask me questions, I'll be glad to answer them.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homeowners Associations: Irrigation Systems

With the cooler temps we've seen of late, many of us are getting a taste of the beautiful Georgia fall that is coming. So your HOA spent money sprucing up your neighborhood entrance and maintain it with landscape maintenance. What about the irrigation system. Now is the time to consider getting an irrigation maintenance agreement where for a flat annual fee your irrigation system will be shut-down properly and started up properly as well as check on for any issues. If you've never considered an irrigation maintenance agreement, there's no time like to changing the oil in your will give your irrigation system more longevity.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Do you know the optimal pressure for an irrigation system?

Most people don't but its around 45 psi. Irrigation systems are best designed around that figure and flow. Many parts of Atlanta have water pressure that exceeds 100 psi so be sure that when you get your new irrigation system estimate that you ask what your water pressure is and about a pressure regulator which will save you problems later.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Irrigation Systems: Rain Sensor versus Rain Freeze sensor

The title should explain itself. However, I get asked all the time do I really need a "freeze" sensor. If you properly winterization your irrigation system at the right time then no. If you're one of these folks that believes winterization in Georgis isn't necessary - think about last winter. Not only will your system not run when it detects rain BUT when the temperature drops below a certain temperature. Bump it up a notch and get both with Hunter's Solar Sync which also takes history of humidity, temp, etc. and waters only what you need and is slightly more expensive then a rain/freeze sensor and does more.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Outdoor Lighting and Security

Ya know, I never thought about it until our customer last week said, "I like the way the outdoor lights make my house look at night but I really want them so I feel safer when I'm outdoors at dark." Made perfect sense to me. So if you're considering outdoor lighting don't think of it as an aesthetics thing...think of it is a security thing too.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Irrigation System Companies: Warranties

Will the irrigation company you've choosen for your new irrigation system be there to back-up the warranty they promised you? Is that warranty in writing? Unfortunately, in our business new "companies" come & go each spring. So when considering who to use for your new irrigation system often you get what you pay for. Be sure to research, check references, insurance before deciding on which company to use so that you can feel more comfortable that your irrigation company will there when a warranty situation arises. There are many reputable, long-standing companies in Atlanta - choose wisely.