Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Smart Irrigation Month Starts July 1st

This is my last tip leading up to Smart irrigation month, which starts tomorrow.

- A seperate irrigation meter is a great way to save money when watering your lawn. When you have an irrigation system connected to a regular water meter, you pay not only for the water but you pay for it at a sewer rate. When you have a seperate irrigation meter you only pay for water you use when watering your lawn. You could save up to 10% on your water bill with a seperate irrigation meter.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting down to the wire: 29th day, 29th tip

If you're landscape has steep inclines, ask your irrigation company about heads that have check-valves in them. Not only will this keep your sprinkler head from leaking water and wasting water, but it will save you money too by keeping more water in your irrigation pipes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tip for June 28th.........

Have low pressure on your sprinkler system? It could be many things that are causing this from a defective backflow prevention device to a broken pipe. Have your irrigation repair company in Atlanta check out water pressure issues so that your system will be working at it's very best.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tip 27 - New Irrigation System: Pipe Size

Pipe size does matter when a new irrigation system is being installed. The smaller the pipe the less gallons per minute of water that can flow through it and the larger pipe size the more. When your irrigation system is being installed ask what pipe size and schedule (schedule 40 is the standard - it's thinner walled or schedule 200 it's thicker wall but restricts more water flow). If your property has a steep hill, ask how they will handle that. It often requires larger pipe to maintain proper water flow so that you don't having "weak" sprinkler heads! Proper pipe size is a design element of irrigation systems and the most crucial component.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

26th "Smart" Irrigation Tip

We are nearing the end of June and it's almost time to start implementing some of the tips during "Smart" Irrigation Month which is July. Have a specific question? Ask it here or email me at

Tip for today: Keep up with your water bills - sounds simple but make sure you check it out every month. If you notice a big increase over last year when you were watering with your irrigation system or from last month, walk through your system, check your valve boxes, look for bubbling water from leaks. Then run the system station (zone) by station and see if you see anything out of the ordinary. If you do, shut off the system at your system's shut off and call in an irrigation repair company in Atlanta. GOOD NEWS: Most water companies will adjust your bill if you provide proof of a leak and it has been repaired.

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25th "Smart" Irrigation Tip...........

It is always smart when watering a sloped area of landscape with your irrigation system to water in two or more short cycles to eliminate water run-off and waste. Shoter cycles mean less run-off and allows the ground time to absorb more of the water.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Smart" Irrigation Tip for June 24th....

Did you know that soil type, plant type and a whole lot of other factors go into making sure your landscape gets proper watering from your irrigation system? The great thing about the new ET systems and smart controllers on the market are that some of them take into account these factors and more to efficiently and effectively water your landscape. By attaching a simple, inexpensive ET system such as Hunter's Solar Sync you could save up to 30% on your water usage (we did!) and it more than pays for itself in a season. What even more efficiency - check out Rainbird's ESP-Smart Controller!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23rd brings the 23rd tip for Smart Irrigation Month

There are many sensors available in today's market for irrigation systems. They range from basic rain sensors to et systems that increase the overall efficiency of your irrigation system. A basic rain sensor will shut off your irrigation system during rain or immediately after rain to prevent over-watering as your irrigation system is meant to supplement natural rainfall. ET systems are a little more expensive but take into account not only rainfall, temperature, humidity and evaporation of water from the ground to provide the most efficient water usage. A standard rain sensor could save you 6-7% each year on water usage and an ET systems can save you between 10-40% on water usage. Both options are fairly inexpensive and often pay for themselves in one season!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tip 22: Irrigation Smart Controllers

What is a smart controller? A smart controller is just that "smart." Based on readings taken from a sensor or information sent to the controller, a smart controller decides where, when and how much water your irrigation system puts out. For the most part, it takes the human 'guessing factor' out of the equation and does exactly what an irrigation system is supposed to do...supplement natural rainfall along with taking into account soil types and evaporation.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tip #21: What to do once your new irrigation system is completed..

Once you have your new irrigation system installed make sure your irrigation company in Atlanta walks-thru the system with you and shows you where your irrigation shut-off is, your rain sensor, programming times and even how to make minor adjustments to your sprinkler heads.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tip #20: Ask about irrigation products that are water efficient

Whether your having your irrigation system repaired or getting a new one installed, be sure to ask your irrigation contractor about water efficient products. Not only will it save you money but your contractor should be able to make recommendations about which products will work best for your situation.

Lastly, to all the fathers...HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tip #19: Learning to use your irrigation controller (clock)

Instruction manuals are often more confusing than helpful. Ask your irrigation professional to show you how to program your irrigation controller after installation so that you can make changes to the length of time that it waters your landscape. If you have an existing irrigation system and have a repair completed, ask your irrigation repair company to show you how to do the basic things with your irrigation controller. Keep in mind, however, irrigation professionals should be knowledgable about the minimum amount of water, in addition to natural rainfall, required to keep your landscape in tip-top shape. Sometimes minor timing adjustments will need to be made due to soil type or seasons. It is an smart irrigation customer who will use the minimum amount of water to keep things lush and green.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tip #18...Verification of Utilities prior to irrigation installation

This is another one of those "smart" tips....state law requires that the public utilities be located at any property where digging is going to occur. Be sure to ask your irrigation contractor about doing the utility locates either on-line or by calling 811. Anyone who fails to call for utility locates prior to digging is subject to a pretty stiff fine from the state. So please make sure your irrigation company in Atlanta - "calls before they dig."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tip #17: Sprayers and Your Irrigation System

Choosing a sprayer is as important as choosing an rotor for your irrigation system. Nozzles become extremely important as well as placement of sprinkler system sprayers. Nozzles will dictate how far the water will go. If you chose to put your sprayers at the back of plantings, you will need to check for growth every year and probably have to change the sprayers every so often (add risers, etc.). It is our preference not to sprayer towards a home, however, due to varying landscape sometimes you have to place sprayers spraying towards a home. Again nozzles play an important role her to ensure that water isn't being sprayed directly into the foundation of your home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tip #16: Choosing an efficient rotary sprinkler head

Our industry is ever changing and irrigation water efficiency products are all around us. When choosing a rotary sprinkler head for your irrigation system you should consider whether or not there are there elevation changes, the way the head sprays water, adjustability and efficiency. For elevation changes, there are check valves that keep water from drizzling out of the heads when the irrigation cycle is complete. Ask your irrigation contractor to demonstrate or for photos of the rotary heads in action, you will then be able to see how they spray water differently. Ask your irrigation contractor to show you how to adjust your rotary heads so that you can make adjustments as your yard's landscape changes.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tip #15: Smart Irrigation Systems, even watering rates

Your irrigation contractor should know the importance of even water rates (in the industry this is known as "proper precipitation rates"). This is part of the proper design of your irrigation system and it is crucial for water efficiency that your system is set up to evenly distribute water from each head. This is one of the main things that we see on the repair side of our business that is done improperly. In most cases and if the heads are properly placed, a nozzle change can even out the watering and create the even watering that irrigation systems are meant to have.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Tip #14: Rain Sensors and beyond

I have talked before about the importance of an irrigation rain sensor. As I continue my tips for July's Smart Irrigation Month, I am once again blogging about the importance of that. It drives me crazy when I see an irrigation system running in the rain because as I said before an irrigation system is meant to supplement rainfall. What a huge waste of water!

Since 2005 it has been state law that all new irrigation systems have a rain sensor. It will save you money, in some cases, as much as 15% over time. If you went as far as to get an automated irrigation system installed why should you have to run and cut it off at the threat of rain? Our current special is 10% of all water efficient products on irrigation repair calls. Believe me it is smart to have a rain sensor that will pay for itself in less than a season.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tip #13: Irrigation Backflow Prevention

Yes my tips are meant to help with water efficiency but I think Smart Irrigation Month is really about more than just that and being "smart" overall. What's not smart? Not having a backflow prevention device - a testable one. Although a dual check and double check sound the same they are very different. A double check backflow prevention device offers you the highest level of protection for you and your family from a potentially toxic situation. A double check is not meant for a situation such as this. Not sure if you have either - check near your water meter for a device that looks like this one. If you don't have it, for the safety of not only your family but everyone around you, get one.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tip #12: Irrigation System Warranties

A Warranty is typically given for a period of time on new irrigation installations but if the irrigation company that installs your system can't back up the Warranty then it's useless to you. We receive many calls each week from customers who cannot locate the company that installed their sprinkler system. They were promised a warranty and the company is no longer in business or not reachable. This is tip #12 because it is going to save you money in the long run if you have problems and an irrigation professional will provide good service after the sale including resolution of problems that may arise as well as tweaking your system to ensure that your irrigation system is working at it's best.

Also, make sure you understand the terms of your Warranty - if your not sure, ask - and make sure your Warranty is in writing not verbal.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tip #11: Georgia outdoor water restrictions

It is always important to follow the watering rules or restrictions when watering your landscape. June 1st Governor Perdue approved new watering rules in Georgia. You may water anyday between 4 pm and 10 am. Got new landscape or sod? You can water anytime for the first 30 days.

Remember, your irrigation system should supplement the natural rainfall and watering everyday is not necessary.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tip #10: Irrigation Systems vs. Rain

Did you know that your irrigation system is supposed to supplement the natural rainfall? I bet logically you answered "yes." Reality is that a lot of people see their irrigation system as "how they water their lawn." You lawn is watered by the rain and your irrigation system is meant to just supplement that rainfall. My point is that this reinterates the importance of rain sensors and ET devices to ensure that you are always just "supplementing" the natural rainfall and not overwatering.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tip #9: Inspections

Regularly inspect your irrigation system equipment...your sprinkler heads, controller, etc. Don't assume that your system is working properly. Take the time to inspect it because you never know when the kids, maid or wife have ran over a sprinkler head!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Irrigation Repair in Atlanta

Special offer....starting today....10% off all irrigation repairs or upgrades with water efficient products. Bring your system into the 21st century and beyond with our awesome water efficient and proven water saving irrigation rotor heads, sprayers, controllers and sensors!

Tip #8: Winterization of Irrigation System

Because we never know what kind of winter we will get here in Atlanta, I highly recommend winterizing your irrigation system. Not only will proper winterization maintain the integrity of your irrigation system but it will also prevent pipe breaks and thereby, increase the efficiency of your system.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tip #7: How much water should I use?

Irrigation contractors should be well versed in the watering needs of various types of grass and plants. The minimum amount of water should be use to provide to your landscapes. We recommend that if you feel that your irrigation system isn't getting enough water to your landscape, increase only by 1 minute. Different soil types absorb and retain water differently so your neighbor may use more or less than you do.

Tip #6:New Irrigation System

Be sure that when you hire an irrigation company in atlanta that they follow the manufacturer's specifications for installation of the irrigation system as this will increase the efficiency of your new irrigation system.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tip #5: Regular Inspection of Irrigation System

Be sure you visually inspect your irrigation system frequently to check for heads that need adjusting, confirmation of proper amounts of water, leaks, landscape changes, etc.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tip #4: Lower your water bill for your irrigation system

Make sure your irrigation contractor is experienced enough to properly design your new irrigation system . Proper design is the first key factor in any new irrigation system specifically the understanding of the hydraulics of an irrigation system such as water flow and pressure.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tip #3: Increasing the Efficiency of Your Irrigation System

Over watering is the most expensive mistake people make when they have an irrigation system, proper watering time based around the landscape in your yard. You should always water the minimum time necessary for your landscape.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Smart Irrigation Month....Tip #2

We want you to follow through on these tips - accumulate them all and use what you need to increase the efficiency of your irrigation system in July which is Smart Irrigation Month....

Tip #2: Regular maintenance, just like you do on your car, will preserve your irrigation system for many years to come and help maintain efficient watering!

Ooops...June 1st Irrigation Efficiency Tip

Sorry guys - the 1st tip for the Month of June got posted on the other blog, so here it is:

Tip #1: Make sure that your irrigation system is evenly distributing water. Make adjustments at least each year and move heads, if necessary, to ensure even watering is evenly maintained for growing plants.